Whether you’re the proud caretaker of a stable of thoroughbred horses or a single lovable puppy, we can help you find the right shelter for your needs. We work with builders in southwest Virginia and beyond to help our customers design and create the outdoor dog kennels, run-in sheds, and custom horse barns that they need.

picturesque landscape, fenced ranch at sunrise outdoor dog kennels

Outdoor Dog Kennels

Designed and built by local Mennonite craftsmen, our dog kennel prefab animal shelters are designed to keep your pooch happy and secure. Available in sizes from 6×12 to to 12×24, these prefab outdoor dog kennels offer a wide amount of customization, from colors, to siding, to roofing, and more. All the dog kennels we sell come with a pressure-treated lumber floor structure and include a storage area for feed and other items.

run in shed with lean to built in coatesville pa 1024x681

Run-in sheds In VA

Every animal needs a place to rest out of the sun or stay dry when it’s raining. Prefab animal shelters like run-in sheds provide horses and smaller animals with a great place to escape from the elements, without all the cost of building an all-out barn. The run-in sheds we sell are all Amish-built and feature a variety of options to fit your farm, such as siding and roofing choices, lean-tos, cupolas, and more. 

custom horse barn for sale insouthwestern va

Shed Row prefab Horse Barns

Shed row barns offer a huge amount of flexibility and that’s one of the things that make them such a popular option for constructing an affordable horse barn. Basically, these barns can be designed to accommodate as many stalls as you need, placed in whatever configuration is most useful. Our shed row barns are all custom-built, but partially prefabricated for maximum efficiency and affordability.

custom horse barn roanoke va

Custom Horse barns

When it comes to constructing a custom horse barn, imagination is the limit! By combining iconic design with functional features, a custom horse barn can take your operation to the next level. Thanks to the modular construction method that our Amish-built horse barns use, we can drastically reduce the cost compared to traditional on-site construction. Let’s design the horse barn you’ve always dreamed of!

find an Animal Shelter that fits your needs

Welcome to Premier Building Solutions! We’re your source for dog kennels, horse, barns, and more.

Choose your Shelter

Choose the type of animal shelter that you are looking for. We have several different options to choose from depending on your needs


Customize your structure

If you have any special requirements just reach out to us and we will do what we can to fit your needs.


Delivered to your home

Once you give the go ahead, we’ll take care of arranging everything for construction and delivery of your animal shelter. You’ll just need to focus on getting ready to enjoy it!


prefab animal shelters in va

Get a Animal Shelter. Improve your life

Here at Premier Building Solutions we are dedicated to provided high quality animal shelters for our friends and neighbors. That is why we’ve brought together the best outdoor dog kennels, run-in sheds, horse barns, and shed row barns in southwestern Virginia.

  • Our animal shelters are perfect for various needs, including horses, dogs, or as additional space for your equipment.
  • Investing in a animal shelter can significantly enhance the value of your property, making it an appealing feature for potential homebuyers.

Let’s talk and find the best possible building for your backyard needs!

Let’s talk and find the best possible building for your backyard needs!